Here is one of the most popular and practised sports in the world, (and along with tennis, I love it!) which is partly the reason why I chose to dedicate an album to it. I said partly because there is another aspect of soccer that made it a good subject for this album; the fact that it's a team sport. All team sports are not only great fun, but also highly educative, as they teach people how to work together towards the same purpose. Ironically enough, I am writing this intro just a few days after the Europeans' finals. We have just been witnesses to a spectacular example of game, the kind of game we wish we could watch more often. Extraordinary individual talents and precise team synchronicity.. wow!
Would you like to engage and play the game like a pro? Maybe like a pro in your category range. You can improve and surprise your friends. Physical ability is always a plus in soccer, but mental fitness and awareness is key. Many players use relaxation and reprogramming techniques to let their mind work in unison with the body and program their subconscious to react with power and also finesse to control the ball and put it on the goal. Use this mindmp3 to help you:
- Improve your ability to play well in a team
- Improve your soccer techniques
- Improve your strength and stamina
- Improve your precision
- Improve your concentration levels
- Make faster and better progress
- Make the most of every single game you play
- Be one step ahead your opponents
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